Olivia Bisbee

Olivia Bisbee
Major in agricultural business

Stacyville, IA

Growing up on our family farm and being very involved in FFA is where I developed my passion for agriculture. Attending Iowa State has been a family tradition because my two older siblings both graduated from Iowa State — my brother with a degree in management information technology and my sister with an agriculture education degree.

Iowa State Experience:

  •     Ag Business Club, Philanthropy Committee, Adopt-a-Highway and Cy Serve Day
  •     Block and Bridle Club, Pork Congress Swine Judging Contest, Cyclone Classic Cattle Show, Story County FSQA Training, Animal Learn Day,
  •     Co-Chair for the Summer Sausage/Cheese Committee
  •     Marketing Intern, Viafield Cooperative
  •     Intern, First Citizens Bank, Mason City, IA

Career Goal: Work in finance