What is your internship position title, company and location?
I'm an undergraduate research assistant for the Greenlee School of Journalism, working with Dr. Dara Wald on science communication.
Describe your position & duties:
It's my responsibility to carry most of the weight of our project right now, as Dr. Wald has numerous other studies going on at the moment, and ours is just taking root. We are examining how decision making in energy contexts can be designed to include diverse experiences, voices and perspectives. I've done a lot of data qualitative collection and analysis, created interview scripts, helped write our IRB proposal and explored the value of energy justice.
What do you like about your internship?
I'm very grateful that my job is just myself and my professor because it allows for a fuller development of my skills. This opportunity has really given me the chance to become confident in the expression of my ideas and into making them a reality.
Does the internship build on what you've learned at ISU? How so?
In terms of how this position relates to what I've learned at ISU, I'd say that it builds on the noncognitive skills that I've gained as a Cyclone. Having a careful work ethnic, coming prepared and being able to recognize the importance of communication are a few of the lessons that have helped me to excel.
What are some classes or experiences that helped prepare you for your internship?
The pandemic helped me a lot because it taught me how to keep pushing myself even when no one is there to hold me accountable. Coursewise, however, my classes on discrimination, equality and justice have been the most helpful since we're doing a lot of work on energy justice.