Dr. Robert W. Jolly

Dr. Robert W Jolly

  • Emeritus Professor


  • Ph.D., University of Minnesota, 1976
  • M.S., University of Minnesota, 1974
  • B.S., University of Minnesota, 1968

Selected Publications

  • Orazem, Peter, Robert Jolly and Li Yu. 2015. “Once an Entrepreneur, Always an Entrepreneur? The impacts of skills developed before, during and after college on firm start-ups.” IZA Journal of Labor Economics20154:9
  • Yu, Li; Orazem, Peter; Jolly, Robert W. 2014. “Entrepreneurship over the Business Cycle.” Economics Letters Vol. 122 no. 2 (February): 105-110.
  • Colman, D.R., D.E. Beever, R.W. Jolly and J.K. Drackley. 2011. “Gaining from technology for improved dairy cow nutrition: Economic, environmental, and animal health benefits” The Professional Animal Scientist 27:505-517.
  • Yu, Li, Peter F. Orazem and Robert W. Jolly. 2011. “Why Do Rural Firms Live Longer?” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 93(3): 673-92.

Awards and Honors

  • Faculty/Staff Inspiration Award, ISU Alumni Association, 2016
  • Iowa State University International Service Award, 2003
  • Iowa State College of Agriculture Award for Excellence in International Agriculture, 2001
  • University Mission Award for Extension, Gamma Sigma Delta, 2000