Dr. Daniel Otto

Dr. Daniel Otto

  • Emeritus Professor


  • Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute, 1981
  • M.S., University of Minnesota, 1978
  • B.A., University of Minnesota, 1976


  • Consultant to legislative groups and state agencies on economic development issues

Selected Publications

  • Otto, Daniel; Monchuk, Daniel C.; Barr, Kanlaya Jintanakul; Kling, Catherine L., The Economic Value of Iowa's Natural Resources, December 2007
  • Artz, Georgeanne M.; Orazem, Peter; Otto, Daniel, Measuring the Impact of Meat Packing and Processing Facilities in the Nonmetropolitan Midwest: A Difference-In-Differences Approach, American Journal of Agricultural Economics Vol. 89 no. 3 (August 2007): 557-570. (WP #03003, November 2005)

Awards and Honors

  • Award for outstanding extension work on economic development for over 60 lowa communities