Caleb Bacon is a senior getting his degree in agriculture business and also a linebacker on the Cyclone's football team. He explains in his Register feature why he chose to play for the Cyclones, and the journey that brought him to Ames.
Associate Professor Lee Schulz was interviewed by Brownfield for the story "California Announces Modifications to Prop 12 Implementation." The story focuses on recently announced modifications to California's Prop
Professor Peter Orazem was interviewed by The Gazette for the story "How will economy, Iowa borrowers be affected by impending Supreme Court decision on student loan forgiveness?"
Associate Professor Lee Schulz was interviewed by Farm Progress for the story "Pork producers deal with trying times," which details how US hog production is facing low profitability and pressure form outside forc
Alejandro Plastina, Associate Professor, and Wendiam Sawadgo, PhD student from ISU in Spring 2020, co-authored "The Invisible Elephant: Disadoption of Conservation Practices in the United States" which received Outstanding Choices Magazi
Associate Professor Lee Schulz was interviewed by Progressive Farmer for the story "Walmart to Build Case-Ready Beef Plant," which details Walmart's plans to develop and end-to-end supply chain strategy for consum
Professor Joshua Rosenbloom was interviewed by Wallet Hub for the story "Cities Where Inflation is Rising the Most," which focuses on differing inflation rates across the United States and where inflation is curre
Professor Chad Hart was interviewed by KCAU for the story "Renting Iowa farmland has reached a 10 year high," which focuses on the results of the recent Cash Rental Rates for Iowa 2023 Survey.
Associate Professor Wendong Zhang was interviewed by WHO Radio for the story "Study: 80% Of Iowa Farmland Is Debt-Free," which focuses on the results of the recent Iowa Farmland Ownership and Tenure Survey.
Professor Chad Hart was interviewed by Modern Farmer for the article "Fertilizer Companies Cash in While Farmers and Communities Struggle," which examines claims of manipulation of the US fertilizer market.
Professor Dermot Hayes was interviewed by Brownfield Ag News for the article "National Pork Board says “clock is ticking” if African swine fever reaches U.S.," which examines what impacts an outbreak of African sw
Lee Schulz was interviewed by Farm Journal for the story "More Uncertainty for Pork Industry in a Very Uncertain Market," which focuses on the repercussions from the Supreme Court's ruling on Proposition 12.
Associate Professor Lee Schulz was interviewed by Iowa Agribusiness Radio Network for the article "Economists shedding light on pork industry market conditions," which focuses on the difficulties some pork produce
Associate Professor Lee Schulz was interviewed by Radio Iowa for the article "After court ruling, California’s pig production rules to take effect July 1," which focuses on a Supreme Court ruling that allows Calif
Associate Professor Lee Schulz was interviewed by Tri-State Livestock News for the article "US imports from Brazil continue." The article focuses on USDA not banning beef imports from Brazil after Brazil reported
Professor John Winters spoke with the Iowa State Daily for the article "Iowa Senate passes child labor law changes amid concerns." The story focuses on Iowa Senate File 542, which loosens Iowa's child labor laws.
Professor Chad Hart was interviewed by the Des Moines Register for the story "Iowa farmers head to fields with record high production costs, lower corn, soybean prices," which focuses on challenges Iowa's farmers
Chad Hart was interviewed by Agweek for the article "Will farmers increase corn and soybean acres?" The article analyzes responses to the USDA's 2023 Planting Intentions Survey.
Associate Professor Wendong Zhang was interviewed by Iowa Farmer today for the story "Energy projects boost land values," which examines how adding energy projects to agricultural land may boost the land value.
Associate Professor Lee Schulz was interviewed by WNAX for the story "Price Spread Between Choice and Select Beef," which examines the recently narrowing price spread for dressed beef cut-outs between choice grade