A paper by Gary Lyn, assistant professor, titled "Spatial Equilibria: The Case of Two Regions" co-authored with Konstantin Kucheravvy (Univ. of Tokyo) and Andres Rodriquez-Clare (UC Berkeley) made Social Science Research Network's (SSRN) Top Ten download list. SSRN is the number one research repository in the world, with networks that span across multiple disciplines. Here are the details and link to the paper and statistics below.
The paper was listed on SSRN's Top Ten download list for: ERN: International Trade (Topic), Econometric Modeling: International Economics eJournal and INTL: Economic & Financial Issues (Topic).
You may view the abstract and download statistics at: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3988698.
Lyn's paper, "The Economic Effects of Climate Change in Dynamic Spatial Equilibrium," was presented at the North American Econometric Society Meeting during the session on Spatial Dimensions of Climate Change in Jan. 2022. The discussant for Lyn's paper was Sam Kortum, James Burrows Moffatt Professor of Economics at Yale University.