January 25, 2022
American Institute for Economic Research Student Conferences
The Harwood Graduate Colloquia are three-day conferences intended for graduate students. The colloquia center around interactive discussions and provocative lectures based on pre-assigned readings. Participants will learn as much from one another as they do from our esteemed scholars, and build relationships that can enrich their lives for years to come.
2022 Colloquia Dates and Topics (subject to change):
- Public Choice & Public Policy: March 8-10, 2022 | Nashville, TN
- Economic History: March 31-April 3, 2022 | Las Vegas, NV
- Sound Money: May 14-17, 2022 | AIER Campus
- Austrian Economics: August 9-13, 2022 | AIER Campus, Great Barrington, MA
Questions? Email opportunities@aier.org