Iowa State University convocation goes virtual

Ebby Luvaga, Amy BrandauIn a statement released April 10, President Wendy Wintersteen announced that all of the university’s spring 2020 commencement ceremonies were switching to an online format, including ones held by student organizations. This measure was done out of the university’s “commitment to prioritize health and safety,” according to Wintersteen’s message.



Check out the virtual ceremonies online:

starts at 9 am Friday, May 8.

And watch video messages from the Department of Economics' Dr. Ebby Luvaga and Amy Brandau, academic adviser, and Spring 2020 graduates.

starts at 7 pm, Friday, May 8.

  • Go to the ISU Virtual Graduation website to watch prerecorded ceremonies and to see colleges, student organizations, and affinity groups pay tribute to graduates in traditional and creative ways.

launches 10 am, Saturday, May 9.

President Wintersteen's message to graduates: “We know this is not the ending you imagined to your Iowa State adventure, but the spring 2020 graduating class will forever share a special place in history. This pandemic has challenged you in unprecedented ways, and I am so very proud of the strength of your Cyclone spirit.”