Four new faculty members will join the Department of Economics beginning 2019 fall semester. The following will be starting as assistant professors August 16, 2019.
Katherine (Katie) Harris-Lagoudakis comes to Iowa State from Michigan State University, where she just completed her Ph.D. in economics. She received her B.S. from the University of Missouri, and her M.A. from Michigan State.
Her fields of interest include public, industrial organization, health and behavioral economics. Dr. Harris is also an affiliate for the Center for Agricultural & Rural Development (CARD). Katherine's office is 478B Heady, and you can contact her at or 294-6260.
Donghyuk Kim graduated from Yale University in May, 2019. In addition to his Ph.D., he earned his B.A.(magna cum laude), an M.A., and M.Phil. from that institution. His main research areas are industrial organization, urban economics and labor economics.
Donghyuk will be housed in 460A Heady, and can be reached at or 294-5028.
Jian Li comes to Iowa State from McGill University, where she was an assistant professor of economics. She received both her Ph.D. in economics and her M.A. in mathematics from the University of California, Berkeley, and her B.A. in economics from Tsinghua University in Beijing.
Find Jian in 468E Heady, or contact her at or 294-5619.
Bertan Turhan, assistant professor of economics at ITAM, Centro de Investigacion Economica (Center for Economic Research), and visiting assistant professor, Carnegie Mellon University, joins the Iowa State economics department this fall.
Bertan received his Ph.D. from Boston College. His research areas include market design, applied microeconomic theory, matching theory, and experimental economics, to name a few.
You'll find Bertan in his office, 479 Heady, and can reach him at or 294-1336.