CARD study: Neonicotinoid ban not cure-all

Dr. GianCarlo Moschini, Dr. Ed PerryNew research by GianCarlo Moschini, professor, and Ed Perry, Kansas State University, shows a neonicotinoid ban in the United States may not be a risk-free solution to the problem of declining bee populations. According to research from CARD a total agricultural ban in U.S. maize, similar to one introduced in the European Union in 2013, could have unintended consequences, as reported in an article in Farm Progress.

“The results of the ban are still playing out, but some recent research has found that, in response to the ban, EU farmers switched to using other types of insecticides such as pyrethroids. Pyrethroids are also highly toxic to bees,” Moschini said. “Whether the ban has been effective in addressing declining bee populations is also still being assessed—some have noted that bee health did not improve following the implementation of the 2013 restrictions.”