Changes in Emergency Notifications and Temporary Health Conditions

Economics Faculty Note: Changes the Dean of Students Office implemented in the fall 2017. This information relates to when they are communicating for students in emergency situations and/or when they’ve experienced a temporary injury that may impact participation in their coursework.

  • Temporary Health Conditions communications come from Student Disability Resources. 
    • Examples: A student that broke their dominant arm and will need support, as they are unable to write, a student has post-surgical limits, etc.
    • Student Disability Resources will communicate with faculty via email and provide the student a letter to bring to their instructors.
    • Additional information can be found here.
  • The Dean of Students Office will continue to send Emergency Notifications for students when they are unable to contact their individual instructors directly due to an emergency.   
    • Dean of Students Office staff are doing so to assist the student in communicating with faculty and are not asking the faculty to adjust their class requirements in any way.
    • If a student has the ability to communicate with faculty, Emergency Notifications will not be sent out to keep to the spirit of this being an emergency communication.  Students will be encouraged to review this website to provide guidance on communicating their absence with faculty.
    • Faculty should not expect to receive an Emergency Notification when a student is already communicating directly with them (faculty should not send a student to the Dean of Students Office to have us send a notice to “excuse” an absence, for example).
    • Detailed information on the Emergency Notification process is found on this website.
  • Referrals to the Dean of Students Office are still appropriate when a student needs support navigating their situation, accessing resources and understanding how it may affect their academics.  The Dean of Students Office will not send a notification out on the student’s behalf in these situations if the student has the ability to communicate.