2018 State Fair Exhibit volunteers needed

This year, Iowa State's theme at the fair, Thursday, August 9th – Sunday, August 19th, is “Design within Reach. Innovation for Iowa’s Future”, with our partner the Department of Architecture. The exhibit will include interactive displays and highlights the technology that we have here on campus. Additionally, we will have our ever-popular Cyclone tattoos, football posters, daily drawings, and the University Book Store’s Iowa State merchandise.

If you would like represent Iowa State with enthusiasm, we need your help greeting visitors, applying the Cyclone temporary tattoos, as well as rolling and handing out Cyclone football posters.

There are two shifts per day: 8:45 AM until 3:00 PM and 2:45 PM until 9:00 PM. Volunteers can sign up to either roll and hand out athletic posters or apply the temporary tattoos. As a volunteer, you will receive free fair admission and free parking on their volunteer day(s), a complimentary bottle of water, and a specially designed Iowa State T-shirt to wear during their shift.

Faculty and staff who want to volunteer can do so online at http://isumarketing.wpengine.com/state-fair-exhibit-volunteer-sign-up/Deadline is June 24th at midnight.  Volunteers who wish to work the same shift as colleagues need to sign up at the same time.  If you have questionscontact Grace Rosson at the University Marketing office by email: umarket2@iastate.edu, or by phone: 515-294-3969.