NBER methodology lectures available online

Each summer since 2007, the NBER has commissioned a set of lectures on econometric methodology as part of their Summer Institute conference. This year, the topic was "Linking Records in Large Administrative Data Sets." Three speakers -- John Abowd from Cornell and the US Census Bureau, Martha Bailey from the University of Michigan, and Joseph Ferrie from Northwestern -- addressed both conceptual issues in matching large data sets, as well as practical issues concerned with the use of decennial Census files and other large household or firm surveys. Their lectures are available at:


In addition, Jonathan Schwabish of the Urban Institute presented a one-hour talk on "Better Data Visualization." He offered a whirlwind tour of various strategies for improving the display empirical results. His lecture may be found at:  


There are also ten previous sets of lectures -- on topics ranging from demand estimation, to machine learning, to network models, to techniques for analyzing panel data -- available at:  
