Global Games conference a success

Global Games conference attendeesDepartment hosts conference

Global Games in Ames, an economic theory conference organized by Associate Professor David Frankel, was held on April 8 and 9, 2016 in Heady Hall.

Forty attendees, many from Iowa State, took part in the conference. There was one session each day, consisting of four paper presentations. The presenters included Thomas Eisenbach (FRB-NY), Guido Lorenzoni (Northwestern), Alessandro Pavan (Northwestern), Ming Yang (Duke), Muhamet Yildiz (MIT), George-Marios Angeletos (MIT), and David Frankel (ISU).

Deepal Basak (NYU), Mahmoud Elamin (FRB-Cleveland), Pedro D. Jara-Moroni (Universidad de Santiago de Chile), Zhen Zhou (NYU), and Quinn Weninger, Rajesh Singh, and Sunanda Roy (ISU) presented posters at the poster session on Saturday morning.

Shown in photo, back row left to right: Deepal Basak, Zhen Zhou, Thomas Eisenbach, George-Marios Angeletos, Muhamet Yildiz, David Frankel. Front row left to right: Ming Yang, Pedro D. Jara-Moroni, Guido Lorenzoni, Alessandro Pavan, Mahmoud Elamin.