Minor in Agricultural Business

A minor in Agricultural Business requires 15 credits. The specific course requirements for the minor are as follows:

  • Econ 101. Principles of Microeconomics. (3 credits)
  • Econ 230. Farm Business Management. (3 credits)
  • Econ 235. Introduction to Agricultural Markets. (3 credits)
  • Econ 301. Intermediate Microeconomics. (3 credits)
  • Three credits from the following selected list:
    • Econ 330. Advanced Farm Business Management.
    • Econ 332. Cooperatives.
    • Econ 334. Entrepreneurship in Agriculture.
    • Econ 337. Agricultural Marketing.
    • Econ 353. Money, Banking, and Financial Institutions.
    • Econ 364. Rural Property Appraisal.
    • Econ 376. Rural, Urban and Regional Economics.
    • Econ 380. Environmental and Resource Economics.
    • Econ 416. Industrial Organization.
    • Econ 418. Introduction to Game Theory.
    • Econ 431. Managerial Economics.
    • Econ 437. Commodity Marketing and Risk Management.
    • Econ 460. Agricultural, Food, and Trade Policy.
    • Econ 466. Agricultural Finance.
    • Econ 480. Intermediate Environmental and Resource Economics.

Following Iowa State University guidelines for undergraduate minors, the following are also required:

  • At least 6 of the credits for the minor must be taken at Iowa State University in courses numbered 300 or above.
  • At least 9 of the credits for the minor are not used to meet any other department, college, or university requirement.
  • None of the courses for the minor can be taken on a pass-not pass basis.

Prerequisites for key courses required for the Ag Business Minor:

Students interested in an Ag Business minor must also take Acct 284 (“Financial Accounting”) as a prerequisite for the required course Econ 230 (“Farm Business Management”), and Math 160 (“Survey of Calculus”) or 165 (“Calculus I”) and Econ 207 as prerequisites for the required course Econ 301 (“Intermediate Microeconomics”)

Majors in Economics or Business Economics may not declare a minor in Agricultural Business