Liesl Eathington, Research Scientist, was interviewed on Radio Iowa Oct. 22 about the closing of TPI Composites in Newton, Iowa.
Liesl Eathington in the News
October 25, 2021
September 30, 2021
Wendong Zhang, associate professor, is leading a project that aims to understand nutrient impacts on rural and lower-income communities.
August 18, 2021
Liesl Eathington, research scientist, was interviewed for an Aug. 18 Oskaloosa News story, "How a handful of Iowa towns thrive, rise above rural decline."
July 23, 2021
Liesl Eathington, research scientist, was interviewed in a July 22 Hawk Eye story, "Ex-Iowa House speaker sues Census Bureau, saying it won't turn over communications about 'synthetic data.'"
May 19, 2021
Liesl Eathington, research scientist, was quoted in a May 19 Des Moines Register story, "COVID-19, 'baby bust,' demographic changes: Iowa may soon see fewer births than deaths."
October 8, 2019
Liesl Eathington, assistant scientist, was interviewed for an October 8th Des Moines Register story, "Ankeny, West Des Moines top 65,000 residents." The American Community Survey’s one year estimates show the city's
August 26, 2019
Peter Orazem, university professor, was quoted in an August 23 Des Moines Register story, "Survey predicts shrinking manufacturing sector as demand falters" which reported that Iowa's unemployment rate rose from 2.4% to 2
August 15, 2019
David Swenson, associate scientist, was interviewed for an August 11th Sioux City Journal story, "As Dollar General rapidly expands in rural Siouxland, small-town grocers report losses."
July 31, 2019
Liesl Eathington, assistant scientist, was quoted in a July 30th story in the Dickinson County News. According to data provided by Eathington, a pattern of market consolidation may be emerging in Iowa's retail scene.
April 29, 2019
A study by assistant scientist Liesl Eathington, "Components of County Population Change, 2010-2018," was cited in a WHO-TV story on April 26.
December 12, 2018
David Swenson, associate scientist, and Liesl Eathington, assistant scientist, assisted in interpreting new American Communities Survey data on median household income growth by county in Iowa and poverty rate cha
May 8, 2018
Liesl Eathington, assistant scientist, was interviewed by Ty Rushing for a story in the May 5th Sioux City Journal on the effect of retail business from the closing of the Southern Hills Mall Younkers store.
December 4, 2017
Leisl Eathington, assistant scientist, spoke to SHEPH (Students Helping Eliminate Poverty and Hunger), a student group at Ames High School Nov. 30, 2017. Around 30 club members attended the early morning talk.
October 26, 2017
Liesl Eathington, assistant scientist, served on the panel for the Business Record’s “Power Breakfast,” providing some demographic perspectives for today’s theme of “March to 1 Million: How will Greater Des Moines handle
September 26, 2017
Liesl Eathington, assistant scientist, was quoted in an article in Gazette Iowa Ideas on how immigrants to Iowa account for more than 40 percent of the state's population growth.
September 19, 2017
David Swenson, associate scientist, talked with Anna Hensel, VentureBeat, about Swenson’s and Liesl Eathington’s study of high-skill occupations in Iowa.
September 14, 2017
Liesl Eathington, assistant scientist, plans to record an interview on Thursday with Dave Price, WHO-TV. Eathington will discuss an analysis she and Dave Swenson conducted on worker migration patterns in Iowa.
September 13, 2017
A shortage of high-skilled jobs is a primary factor driving Iowa’s brain drain, according to a new analysis by Iowa State University researchers.
August 4, 2017
David Swenson, associate scientist, and Liesl Eathington, assistant scientist, were interviewed by Jason Margolis for a story on Public Radio International about the plight of Midwestern towns like Newton, Iowa, w
April 24, 2017
David Swenson, associate scientist, was interviewed by multiple media contacts this week: