Honors Program Poster Presentation, spring 2019

Three department honors students presented their capstone projects at the Honors Poster Presentation held May 1 in the Great Hall of the Memorial Union. The event features the projects of graduating seniors and other Honors students. The seniors who participated were Nathan Herold, Madison Mueller, and Lucy Schneekloth.

Nathan Herold Madison Mueller Lucy Schneekloth
Nathan Herold, Supply Chain Management Madison Mueller, Agricultural Business Lucy Schneekloth, Business Economics
"Developing a Student Housing Cooperative in Ames"
Project Adviser: Keri Jacobs
"Iowa Farm Tenure Survey, 1997-2017"
Adviser: Amy Brandau
Project Adviser: Wendong Zhang

"Atypical Asset Accumulation"
Advisers: Shannon Grundmeier, Amy Brandau
Project Adviser: Peter Orazem