Description: Reading Group
Location: 360 Heady Hall
Contact Person: Juan Carlos Cordoba
Title: Mergers and Acquisitions: Market Power or Efficiency?
Description: Department Seminar
Location: 368A Heady Hall
Title: Welfare Assessments with Heterogeneous Individuals
Description: Labor-Public Workshop
Title: Production Contracts and Buyer Market Power in the US Broiler Chicken Industry
MinYoung Song's Personal Website:
Contact Person: David Hennessy
Contact Person: Bertan Turhan
Presenter: Ezra Butcher
Title: Uncovered Flexibility in the Pork Supply Chain: Evidence from the Feeder Pig Market
Presenter: Hyunwoo Jeong
Presenter: Laura Hurtado Moreno
Location: Virtual
Presenter: Ganna Prykhodko
Title: Everything Bubble
Presenter: Shinyoung Kim
Presenter: Rwit Chakravorty
Title: Coordination and Efficiency of Tile Drainage Investments in the US Corn Belt
Past events