Description: Labor-Public Workshop
Location: 368A Heady Hall
Presenter: Ezra Butcher
Title: Uncovered Flexibility in the Pork Supply Chain: Evidence from the Feeder Pig Market
Description: Macro/Micro Workshop
Location: 360 Heady Hall
Contact Person: Juan Carlos Cordoba
Title: Explaining Heterogeneity in Country Returns to Human Capital
Description: Department Seminar
Contact Person: David Hennessy
Description: Reading Group
MinYoung Song's Personal Website:
Title: Production Contracts and Buyer Market Power in the US Broiler Chicken Industry
Title: Welfare Assessments with Heterogeneous Individuals
Title: Mergers and Acquisitions: Market Power or Efficiency?
Description: Department Seminar: Hulya Eraslan (Rice University)
Location: 2446 Gerdin
Description: Reading Group: Anson Zhou (University of Hong Kong)
Location: Virtual
Description: Department Seminar: Becca Taylor (University of Sydney)
Description: Department Seminar: Andrea Moro (Vanderbilt University)
Contact Person: GianCarlo Moschini
Description: Department Seminar: Eric Zou (University of Michigan)
Contact Person: Irene Jacqz
Description: Reading Group: Aysun Hiziroglu Aygun (University of Minnesota and Istanbul Technical University)
Contact Person: Bertan Turhan
Description: Department Seminar: Francis Annan (UC Berkeley)