Placement Director
John Winters
Ezra ButcherAreas of interest: Agricultural Economics (Livestock), Industrial Organization Job market paper: Production Dynamics and Disruption Responses in the Pork Supply Chain: A Structural Model of Hog and Pig Markets CV | Major professor: Lee Schulz | |
Rwit ChakravortyAreas of interest: Applied Microeconomics, Agricultural Production, Climate Change Job market paper: Efficiency and Coordination of the Tile Drainage Investments in the US Corn Belt CV | Major professor: David A. Hennessy, Hongli Feng | |
Seongyeob KimAreas of interest: Industrial Organization, Market/Mechanism Design, Applied Economics Job market paper: Product Purchasing Contest: A Strategy to Leverage Competition Among Customers CV | Major professor: Bertan Turhan, Donghyuk Kim | |
Shinyoung KimAreas of interest: Economics of Education, Labor Economics, Applied Microeconomics Job market paper: The Effects of Losing Pell Grant Eligibility on Student Outcomes CV | Major professor: Otávio Bartalotti, Brent Kreider | |
Angelos LagoudakisAreas of interest: Agricultural Economics (Food and Health), Experimental and Behavioral Economics, Industrial Organization Job market paper: Breaking Bad News: Economic Rationality, Emotion Regulation, and Cognitive Ability CV | Major professor: Dermot Hayes, Elizabeth Hoffman | |
Ganna PrykhodkoAreas of interest: Macroeconomics, Financial Economics, Economic Growth, Market Frictions Job market paper: Rational Bubbles and Stock Market Self-Fulfilling Optimism CV | Major professor: Juan Carlos Cordoba | |
Meenakshi ShekharAreas of interest: Macroeconomics, International Trade, Growth and Development Job market paper: Sluggish Growth or Premature Decline? A Comparative Study of Indian Industrialization with China CV | Major professor: Juan Carlos Cordoba, Rajesh Singh | |
Byoungmin YuAreas of interest: Industrial Organization, Platform Economics, Applied Microeconomics Job market paper: Commission Fee Structure and Innovation in Digital Platforms CV | Major professor: Donghyuk Kim | |
Yue ZhaoAreas of interest: Agricultural Economics, Energy Economics Job market paper: Small Precautionary Response to Risk in Corn Seeding Rate Decisions CV | Major professor: David Hennessy |