2021-2022 Ph.D. Job Market Candidates

Placement Director

Otavio Bartalotti

Nieyan Cheng

Nieyan Cheng

Areas of interest: Agricultural Economics, Environmental Economics

Job market paper: "The Impact of China’s Place-based Environmental Regulations on its Hog Industry: A Synthetic Difference-in-differences Approach"

Major professor: Wendong Zhang

Personal website


Xi He

Xi He

Areas of interest: Agricultural trade and food policy analysis; Nutrition and health

Job market paper: "Trade Barriers and Import Evasion in Agricultural Markets"

CV  | Major professor: Dermot Hayes, Wendong Zhang

Personal website


Javed Hossain

Md. Javed Hossain

Areas of interest: Macroeconomics, International Economics

Job market paper: "Two Country Model of Technology Sharing"

Major professor: Rajesh Singh

Personal website


Min Kyong Kim

Min Kyong Kim

Areas of interest: Health Economics, Development Economics

Job market paper: "Sacred Cows: The Impact of Slaughter Bans on Neonatal Mortality in India"

CV  | Major professor: Joydeep Bhattacharya

Personal website


Jiwon Lee

Jiwon Lee

Areas of interest: Agricultural Economics, Behavioral Economics

Job market paper: "How can reporting on foreign animal diseases affect meat purchases? The case of African swine fever"

Major professors: Lee Schulz, Elizabeth Hoffman

Personal website


Jun Yeong Lee

Jun Yeong Lee

Areas of interest: Industrial Organization, Labor Economics, Experimental Economics, Applied Microeconomics

Job market paper: "How much you talk matters: Cheap talk and collusion in a Bertrand oligopoly game"

Major professor: Peter F. Orazem


Xiaoyin Li

Xiaoyin Li

Areas of interest: Labor Economics, Health Economics

Job market paper: "Does Work Eligibility Work for Foreign-born Women? H-4 Visa Policy and Labor Outcomes"

Major professor: John V. Winters

Personal website


Liuan Ma

Liyuan Ma

Areas of interest: Labor Economics, Industrial Organization, Regional and Urban Economics

Job market paper: "Churning in Urban and Rural Markets: Evidence from Firm Entry and Exit, 1999-2015"

CV  | Major professor: Peter F. Orazem

Personal website


Miracle-Rose Toppar

Miracle-Rose Toppar

Areas of interest: Ag, Labor Economics, Industrial Organization

Job market paper: Did Transgenic Cotton Reform Increase Cotton Production in Burkina Faso?: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from Sub-Saharan Cotton Countries of Benin, Burkina Faso, Chad, Côte d'Ivoire, and Mali over the Years 1990-2017

Major professors: Elizabeth Hoffman, Alejandro Plastina

Personal website


Oranuch Wongpiyabovorn

Oranuch Wongpiyabovorn

Areas of interest: Agricultural and Resource Economics; Environmental and Ecological Economics

Job market paper: "Evolution in the Relationship between Nitrogen Fertilizer and Natural Gas Prices in the United States"

Major professor: Chad Hart

Personal website
