Marca Weinberg presentation

Marca Weinberg presentation

Sep 19, 2016 - 11:00 AM
to Sep 19, 2016 - 12:00 PM

Location: 368A Heady Hall

Description: Marca Weinberg
Director Resource and Rural Economics Division, Economics Research Service

Dr. Weinberg will give a presentation on the kind of work done at ERS including information on opportunities for

1. Employment with ERS for M.S. and Ph.D. graduates in economics and agricultural economics
2. Access to data for research
3. Internships
4. Research collaborations with ERS staff

While U.S. citizenship is required for full-time, permanent employment with ERS (this is true of most U.S. government agencies), some of the other topics on the list are potentially of interest to any graduate student interested in agriculture or environmental issues.

At noon, following her presentation and a question and answer period, attendees will be welcome to stay for a pizza lunch and informal conversation with Dr. Weinberg and department faculty.